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name ▪▪▪ ▪ ▪▪ ▪▪▪ alias Iwo age 30 ∞ gender male |
sexuality indifferent race human demon, soul collector languages latin (native), english (fluent) voice orotund and appealing |
height 6'7" (200.66cm) weight 195lbs (88.45kg) hair lilac appearing white, black at the roots flesh sickly pale, it looks as if there is permanent purple bruising around the eyes. fingers are constantly a dusty black, as if been working with dye. there is a black beauty mark on the corner of his right eye. eyes dark brown appearing black, left eye looks pale white in certain light tattoos moon cycle tattooed along the spine piercings both ears are pierced multiple times with various jewelry dangling and filling the holes scars no apparent blemishes can be seen |